Announcement: We have a new email address! Please direct all emails to:
This policy explains what information we will collect when using IASC services. It also explains what is done with that data once collected.
IASC considers your privacy important. As such we will only collect the minimum amount of data needed in order to maintain proper records for the submission of astronomical discoveries. This information includes the following:
IASC will never sell your data for any reason. IASC will disclose the first initial, last name, and country of origin to the third party organizations that maintain astronomical discoveries in order that proper credit can be assigned to the citizen scientists. These third parties include, but are not limited to: The Minor Planet Center, Pan-STARRS, NASA, Astronomical Research Institute. If you have any concerns about these third parties please contact us at
If you would like to view the data we have for you or have any data removed please contact IASC at and include your full name, the campaign you participated in, the team you were in, and what data you would like to have removed or delivered. Note that removal of data will result in the loss of all discovery credit.